Saturday, September 1, 2012

This one hurts in more ways than One-- Spencer beat me!

Complete the following for time:
20 push-ups/1 sit-up
19 push-ups/2 sit-ups
18 push-ups/3 sit-ups
17 push-ups/4 sit-ups
16 push-ups/5 sit-ups
15 push-ups/6 sit-ups
14 push-ups/7 sit-ups
13 push-ups/8 sit-ups
12 push-ups/9 sit-ups
11 push-ups/10 sit-ups (make sure you don’t mess up your counting here)
10 push-ups/11 sit-ups (or here!)
9 push-ups/12 sit-ups
8 push-ups/13 sit-ups
7 push-ups/14 sit-ups
6 push-ups/15 sit-ups
5 push-ups/16 sit-ups
4 push-ups/17 sit-ups
3 push-ups/18 sit-ups
2 push-ups/19 sit-ups
1 push-up/20 sit-ups


  1. Spencer finished in about 19:30 and Mike and Maclane finished within about 5 seconds of each other at 20:30!

    Feel the Burn! Love the Burn!

  2. This is Maria. I just wanted to record that this was the second choice workout they did by default because Maclane almost got struck by lightning running around our block during the first workout. That was a saved by grace experience. He felt the electric shock in his feet as the lightning and thunder hit simultaneously with a crack just outside our house. I am sooooooooooo grateful for a Heavenly Father who answers prayers.
